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¡Hello! My name is Rogelio Roldán

I studied computer engineering, I am backend developer.

I enjoy any area within my field, and I have expertise in developing frontend. Additionally, I have experience with databases

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I had the opportunity to work on:

Click me 👆 Implementation by pimskie on CodeOpen

These are some of the technologies that I use.

Development, databases, networks, and more areas are of interest to me.


I have created applications focused on PC usage, graphical interfaces, threads, sockets, and many other things tailored for the professional environment.

Java y C#
Spring boot, .NET

Development of websites, landing pages and experience implementing third-party services like Keycloak.

El desarrollo de páginas web también es algo que he hecho con bastante frecuencia, portafolios, landing page e integración de servicios como Keycloak.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Analysis, design, creation, and maintenance of databases are also tasks and working with both relational and non-relational databases.

Database managers
SQL Server, MySQL


¡Explore my professional journey!

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